Fair Awards will be given in 5 categories according to the participants’ scores
Bill Patmon-State Representative
"In this country, there is no other place I have seen this many kids come together with enthusiasm and genuine support in schools. It is evident that these students have the encouragement and education to become the next Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs" (March 2012).
Marcia L. Fudge-Congresswoman
"I just felt a real sense of knowing that someone here today, some young person is going to do something great. I am just happy to say that I was here at a time when they start their careers" (March 2011).
Nina Turner-Senator
"Thank you very much for grooming our future scientists" (March 2010).
Andrew Brenner-Ohio Rep
I think STEM from the standpoint of ‘you’ve got a lot of talented kids,’ but they end up in, you know, classrooms that really don’t realize their potential. And through the STEM program it’s pretty obvious that many of these kids are able to reach that potential and go way beyond it.
Hanno Becker-School Admin
I have worked for multiple CMO's, both local and nationally-based, and I have never been a part of a CMO-organized event like CONSEF. This was truly an amazing experience for our students and staff.